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About Alton Travels

Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi – The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Mosque
Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah is the second holiest city in Islam and is the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) home after Hijrah. Madinah was personally named by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

ESTD 1984- recognised by Hajj Cell, MEA, Govt of India, New Delhi.
Alton Travels was established by M.F.H Khan Nayyar in the year 1984, with an aim to serve Hajj & Umrah pilgrims, much before the inception of the current Hajj Quota system by Hajj Cell, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi, in the year 2002.

Alton Travels has continuously worked to develop Hajj & Umrah services to guarantee comfort and satisfaction for guests of Allah at Al-Makkah Al Mukkaramah and Al Madinah Al-Munawwarah, The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mosque.

Alton Travels had achieved the highest levels of excellence and is a recognised PTO by Hajj cell, MEA, Government of India and Ministry of Hajj and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Alton Travels offers its expertise in the field of Hajj/Umrah pilgrimage by providing transportation, Star hotel accommodation, serving hygienic, good and healthy food.
Alton Travels enjoys the patronage and trust of Pilgrims from around the world and aims to serve the pilgrims by providing the best possible service and assistance to make this once in a life time pilgrimage a memorable journey.

In the name of ALLAH the most beneficent and most merciful.
There are 5 pillars of Islam
1. Belief in Allah, the one and only true God, and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is his last Prophet / Rasool.
2. To Pray / Namaz 5 times a day facing the Kaaba in Al-Makkah Al-Mukkarramah.
3. Pay Zakat(charity) 2.5% of your earning.
4. Fasting / Roza from sunrise to sunset in the 9th month of Islamic year.
5. Hajj / Pilgrimage to Al-Makkah Al-Mukkarramah once in a lifetime.

Hajj becomes obligatory for every Muslim who has adequate means of income and good health.

08th Dhu Al-Hijjah
Wear Ihram take Hajj niyat and proceed to Minah. Stay the night in Minah.

09th Dhu Al-Hijjah
Pray fajr in Minah and calmly proceed to Arafath, the day of Hajj. Pray Zohar and Asr namaz in Arafath. At sunset leave for Muzdalifah. Pray Magrib and Isha together and stay in Muzdalifah till fajr. Collect small pebbles in Muzdalifah to stone the Shaitan/Jamarath 49/70 pebbles.

10th Dhu Al-Hijjah
Pray fajr in Muzdalifah proceed to minah to stone the shaitan-jamarath al-Aqabahthe big shaitan. Give qurbani and shave or cut hair. Remove ihram and proceed to Al Makkah Al Mukkarramah to perform tawaf al ifadha.

11th & 12th Dhu Al-Hijjah
Stay in Minah, stone all the Three shaitans / Jamarath. Return to Al Makkah Al Mukkarramah.

Best Haj & Umrah travel company provides the best & realistic services to our clients.